

Known for its industry leading, in –house development of new and innovative techniques of producing soft fruit crops, Angus Soft Fruits developed the Seaton System.

This was developed to enable fruit to be produced with full protection from the elements, reduced pesticides requirements and all produced at a height to simplify harvesting and crop management for 6 months a year within Scotland.

Our in house, intensive breeding programme was originally started to find new strawberry varieties for our UK production during which time several new commercial varieties were selected and are now grown by our growers, such as AVA™, AVA Rosa ™ & Islay ™.

Within the last few years Raspberry and Blackberry breeding has also been undertaken, and the new varieties from this work are now been commercially evaluated. Our breeding programme now extends to key global partners, to further develop berries new varieties that produce highly flavoured varieties, of good quality fruits, with high levels of natural resistant to pest and diseases.

There is an incredible 145 years of experience in soft fruit within our technical team which demonstrates our dedication, depth of knowledge and passion for berries” David Cuthbert, Technical and Development Director, ASF