Our “works of art”, AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali, have been turned into “works of art!”
What better way to celebrate our new varieties, AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali, than to be working with Prudence from Food is Art again. Prudence crafted two masterpieces using only AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali raspberries as her medium and recreated Dali’s “Persistence of Memory” and Monet’s “Houses of Parliament” over four days.
Prudence transformed the flavourful AVA™ Monet and Dali raspberries into jams, purees, and coulis, mixing them with whipped cream, double cream, and yoghurt to create a palette of different shades and textures. Prudence also incorporated whole raspberries to add intricate details and depth. “It was wonderful to work with these incredible raspberries,” said Prudence. “They are so delicious and juicy, with vibrant colours that were perfect for the artwork and even better to eat afterwards!”
The finished raspberry artworks will be skilfully transformed into special AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali raspberry jam, which will be gifted to friends of AVA™ Berries.