Detox Blueberry Smoothie

Detox Blueberry Smoothie

A perfectly healthy ‘pick me up’

Time: 15 minutes.
Serves: 1503015_blueberry_smoothie_204x235


100ml coconut water
1 green teabag
1 teaspoon runny honey
250g blueberries
50ml apple juice
A few ice cubes


1) In a small saucepan, bring the coconut water to the boil. Place the teabag in a mug and pour over the boiling coconut water.
2) Leave for 5 minutes to infuse, then remove the teabag. Stir in the honey and allow to cool to room temperature.
3) In a food processor or liquidizer, purée the blueberries with the apple juice until smooth. Add the ice and cooled tea mixture and blitz again. Serve immediately.

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