Our latest FareShare Impact Report

Our latest FareShare Impact Report

We recently met up with Fareshare to discuss our quarterly impact report, where we have been donating fruit and giving surplus fruit to support Fareshare in fighting hunger and tackling food waste. We were delighted to hear that from January until March 2023 we donated the equivalent of 26,357 meals, which were sent to 692 different charities.

These donations really make a difference to people, providing nutritious food to those who need it – thanks to all who support our FareShare donations!

You can read more about FareShare here: https://fareshare.org.uk/what-we-do/

“Our technical team has between us all, an incredible 145 years of experience in soft fruit, which shows our dedication, depth of knowledge and passion for our crops!” David Cuthbert, Technical and Development Director, ASF